My poor son. He really is the worlds best behaved kid. Hes been up at night in pain. I have brought him to the doctors twice, and both times the doc said everything looked good no redness or swelling. Then we brought him to an ear nose and throat doctor., and everything checked out OK. so now I am leaning towards a toothache. He has a dentist appointment at the end of the week. He was a well behaved kid at the doctors office. I was proud of him. This is why I created this blog so I can show and vote him the world best kid for the day!
Through all the tough nights he wakes up still in a great mood. He had a huge breakfast between home and at school. Most of the snow is gone and we have been able to bring him to the park. He loves it there. Here is a small video of him at the park. I don't know if anybody will actually read these posts, but it would be great to hear from other people and their stories of their children or relative of why you think u know the WORLDS BEST BEHAVED KID.
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